0131 332 8656

Myopia Control


Your child will not always tell you if they can’t see properly. Myopia, or short-sightedness, is usually caused by the eye becoming too long to focus correctly. This makes objects in the distance appear blurry but close objects remain clear. Myopia often begins in childhood and usually progresses until young adulthood. A childhood diagnosis of myopia means life-long care and, because the condition almost always gets worse, it results in a greater dependency on glasses, thicker lenses and an impact on self-confidence.

Myopia also brings with it a much higher risk of developing serious eye conditions later in life, such as retinal detachment, myopic maculopathy and glaucoma. It’s development is influenced by the environment, genetics and lifestyle. Spending a lot of time indoors and doing close up tasks can also increase the chances of becoming myopic. The younger the age of onset myopia the more likely it will progress to a significant level by adulthood.


Whilst there is no cure, several methods have proven successful at slowing the rate of myopia progression by “putting the brakes on”. The methods are designed to change the way the eyes focuses light. The sooner management is started, the better the outcome is likely to be. With MyCon lenses, light is diffused so that it strikes the periphery in front of the retina rather than behind it. This slows eye-length growth. The areas that control myopia progression in a MyCon lens are located laterally. This ensures that the visual acuity above and below is affected as little as possible.

Children tend to spend more time on tablets and computers rather than spending time outdoors. Over the last two decades, this is leading to a surge in short-sightedness. Thankfully at Concept we have a solution to manage this for your child.

Ask us about these thin, light and robust MYCON lenses and care plans from only £25 a month.